Marine Corps Base Hawaii has implemented new access requirements for anyone requesting access to the range which also affects the firearms registration process at the Provost Marshal Office.
Here are the procedures that need to be followed prior to you registering your weapon on base.
1) If the person(s) trying to access MCBH are active duty or DOD CAC Civilians (White Stripe CAC Holders), regardless of where they are stationed, they will need to enter their EDIPI (DOD Number) on the base access request form. If they person has never had their CAC scanned on MCBH or Camp Smith, they may not in our DBIDS database and we will reach out to you for their Social Security Number. Anyone brining a weapon on MUCB/Camp Smith/Pu'uloa must have a NCIC (Criminal History Check) done and to do this a social security number is
required. We will also check for local bench warrants.
2) f the person(s) trying to access MCBH is a military retiree, they will need to enter their EDIPI (DOD Number) on the base access request form. If they person has never had their CAC scanned on MCBH or Camp Smith, they may not in our DBIDS database and we will reach out to you for their Social Security Number. Anyone brining a weapon on MUCB/Camp Smith/Pu'uloa must have a NCIC (Criminal History Check) done and to do this a social security number is required. We will also check for local bench warrants.
3) DOD CAC Contractors (Green Stripe CAC Holders)If they person has never had their CAC scanned on MCBH or Camp Smith, they may not in our DBIDS database and we will reach out to you for their Social Security Number. Anyone brining a weapon on MUCB/Camp Smith/Pu'uloa must have a NCIC (Criminal History Check) done and to do this a social security number is required. We will also check for local bench warrants
4) All other civilians visitor's to MCBH/Pu'uloa will require sponsorship. This means they do not have access to our MCBH/Pu'uloa without having a military member, DOD Civilians or MCCS Employee vouch for their access to the base. Civilian visitors must pre-enroll in DBIDS by going to and providing the QR code to MCBH/Pu'uloa Sponsor ( to the Pu'uloa Rifle and Pistol Club.
After you have turned in your information. The President of the club will let them know when they can go to Camp Smith to complete the process at the main gate of MCBH Passhouse or Camp Smith passhouse by their two primary I.D. ( U.S. Citizen are required to bring their original Social Security Card as one form of I.D.
POC: Jerry Yeun, Pu' uloa Rifle and Pistol Club President
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